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In Transit: Phumi Nkosi

  • Describe a favourite trip you took this year
    This is an easy one. It was my first time traveling to North America, specifically Canada. I read about Canada before traveling over but I didn’t expect what I saw. It’s a shocker in terms of beauty and a must see. People tell you how cold it is and some were even shocked when I informed them of my trip. I fell in love with British Columbia. The people are beyond friendly, the culture, the lifestyle, the activities all appeal to me. Most importantly I adore the greenery of the mountains and calms waters. Last but not least the islands that are scattered around Vancouver Island.
  • Who would be your favourite travel companion (real or fictional, dead or alive)?

I want to say another Phumi - possibly a twin - but realistically I’d love to travel with my granny. I can see the expression on her face when experiencing something for the first time: it’s childlike and sweet. I know I got my thirst for adventure from her. I plan on making this a reality.

  • In your opinion, what is the world's most under-rated city?

I will sound biased but it has to be my city of Johannesburg, South Africa. There’s so much more to the city than a fast paced city of gold. You can take a short drive outside of the city and discover cultural places with African arts, amazing breathtaking 5 star game lodges and incredible game drive experiences/safaris. There are beautiful African-themed lodges located around lakes and rivers where you can watch the sunset with endless views of mountains and vast stretches of land with no buildings in site. I miss South Africa. It’s definitely an amazing country. 

  • Is there a single travel splurge that is always worth it?

Yes! Staying at a comfortable and beautiful hotel - preferably with ocean views. There’s nothing more exciting even if it costs a little more than staying at a place where you feel like heaven. I love waking up to soft linens, a bottle of chilled wine waiting and endless views. Who wouldn’t want to splurge on that?

  • Do you have a favourite souvenir - or what is the most remarkable souvenir that you've given or received?

On a trip trip to Namibia I received a painted egg-shaped souvenir. It was really special to me because of the thought that went into it. That small gesture just made the trip more memorable. 

  • Window or aisle seat?

Window all the time! I love watching the plane take off and I always day dream when we reach maximum altitude. Seeing the clouds makes me feel all giddy inside and I get even more excited on the destination!

  • Preferred form of travel: plane, train, ship or automobile?

Plane for long distances, and automobile for those little getaways and adventures.

  • What is the one thing you never leave home without?

My smartphone…it’s my life. All the memories that are in there and I love taking pictures and capturing memories every chance I get.

  • If you could go to any place at any time, where would you go and why?

Bora Bora. It has forever been a dream of mine to go to this majestic place. I’d swim in those clear blue waters, sip champagne under the sun and hopefully be with someone special to share it with.

  • If you had one top travel tip, what would that be?

Have fun! You can prepare all you want, carry the best travels bags but the most important thing for me is the feeling that travel brings. Find the kid in you and enjoy discovering a new place. Meet new people and learn key phrases of a language. In short, just have FUN and the experience will last a lifetime.

  •  If you had to have your last meal where would that be?

My last meal would definitely be at my granny’s house by the fireplace that has and always will be my favorite place in the world. Being surrounded by family is the best!

  • What is the holiday memory that you'd rather forget?

Hmmmmmmm. Honestly I have none in all my travels. I’ve learned something whether it’s been a good or bad experience.